Gifts for Ages

The Top Gifts for People with Anxiety That You Need to Know

Anxiety is the most prevalent of all the mental health issues in America, impacting a striking 18.1% of adults in the US alone.  So, what does this tell us? There’s a good chance you have a friend, or several, suffering from anxiety.

So, if you’re trying to find something for a loved one who’s struggling with their mental health, you’re in the right place. A token gift is a great way to let them know you’re thinking about them and a chance to show your support by demonstrating you understand their needs.

Sometimes, anxiety makes it difficult to connect with friends and family. So, getting through to them with a friendly gesture often provides some much-needed relief. You’re gently showing them that they’re not alone –you’re there to help them through this difficult time.

With all that in mind, we’ve done the majority of the heavy lifting, by exploring the best gifts to get those battling anxiety. Let’s dive in!

How Do I Find the Best Gift for Someone with Anxiety?

First off, gifting for people battling anxiety doesn’t need to be complicated.

At the heart of it, your loved ones are just people who still appreciate gifts the same way everyone else does. So don’t shy away from tokens with personal value. But, if the recipient has been particularly anxious recently, and you want to show support, one of these gift ideas could come in handy. We’ve focused on gifts that promote relaxation and/or could distract them from their worries (albeit for just a while).

All that to say, lending an ear and spending quality time with them is often the best way to be there for someone struggling with anxiety. Also, be tactful when choosing a gift – you know them better than anyone, so use your common sense—for example, gifting a self-help book at a public function, while a well-meant gesture, might make them feel self-conscious.

To help navigate your way through these gift ideas, we’ve broken them up into categories. This list is, of course, isn’t all-inclusive. Trust your gut instinct, and allow your experience and knowledge of the recipient to fuel your purchase.

1. Stress Relief Gifts

There are a variety of stress-relieving objects and practices that can help someone with anxiety cope better. One of the below options could work wonders for helping your loved one distract themselves from their negative thoughts.

Chinese Baoding Balls

Baoding balls have been used for hundreds of years to help alleviate stress. They’re a set of stress balls often fashioned from stone or metal, where the user can rotate them in their hands in a calming and balanced way.

It’s also believed Baoding balls hit relaxing acupuncture points, which serve to further de-stress the user. Plus, they even let off a pleasant musical chime as they rotate around one another. 

All in all, they make great gifts. You can even purchase sets with different motives, materials, stones, and colors to best suit your loved one’s personality and tastes. Buy them on Amazon.

Adult Colouring Books

Over the last few years, adult coloring books have become all the rage. Available in many different themes and patterns, this relaxing activity is terrific for winding down.

In fact, psychologists now believe that coloring activates different areas across the two cerebral hemispheres. Both logic and creativity are engaged, which ultimately quietens other regions of the brain, promoting better control over emotions affected by stress.

These days, there’s so much choice, it’s easy to find an adult coloring book that will delight your friend. From pretty patterns to animals, to nature scenes, and popular characters – and much more besides, you’re bound to find something that matches their interests. Buy it on Amazon.

A New Journal

Journalling has proven helpful for many people suffering from anxiety. It provides a way of organizing one’s thoughts and privately noting them down on paper. Many find that journalling makes it easier for them to let go of any negativity weighing them down, and provides an opportunity to reflect on their anxieties more objectively.

On top of these perks, journals are also highly personalizable gifts. You could get a custom journal made, perhaps displaying a photo or drawing on the front with some personal significance? Or, maybe you could have their name embossed on the cover? These are just a couple of suggestions, but you get the idea. Alternatively, browse through the many beautiful patterns and motives available online.

In short, if your loved one is creative, we’re sure they’ll enjoy a journal where they can truly express themselves. Buy it on Amazon!

Fidget Spinners

Fidget spinners work similarly to Baoding balls. Some anxious people find keeping their hands moving helpful. Depending on the severity, this may be easily observed. Does your friend have a habit of picking things up and toying with them?

If so, a fidgeting toy, like a fidget spinner, could be an excellent gift for them. Beyond fidget spinners, there are also variations like fidget cubes that boast a more ergonomic design. These fit right into their hands and their pockets!

Or there’s the anxiety ring. These allow those that like to fidget to do so discreetly and subtly. These fashionable accessories fit around the wrist and feature metal beads that can be pushed around and rotated. Not only do these accessories look chic, but they also offer an anxious mind a much welcome distraction. Buy it on Amazon!

2. Comfort and Warmth

Everybody knows the feeling – you’ve had a bad day, and your worries are bringing you down, and all you want is to curl up somewhere safe and warm and enjoy the comforts of a quiet afternoon.

While those suffering from anxiety can’t always relax and wind down so quickly, you might be able to help with a thoughtful gift…

Snuggle Wraps

Who doesn’t love the feeling of wrapping up in a warm blanket while enjoying a good book or a soothing cup of tea?

Enter, the snuggle wrap.

This is best described as an onesie-blanket-hybrid. It’s the perfect gift for keeping your loved one comfortable and warm. A snuggle wrap gives you the freedom to move and use your hands while the rest of your body remains wrapped in super-soft fleece. Buy it on Amazon!

Bath Sets

A hot bath is a great stress reliever, the perfect remedy for mellowing an anxious mind. So, up your bath set game by choosing a theme or fragrance, you know that they’ll love. Bath sets can entail everything from bubble baths to candles to moisturizing creams – and near-on anything in between.

Afford them a little spa treatment from the comfort of their own home, with a bath set filled with their favorite things. Buy it on Amazon!

Aromatherapy Pillows

Certain smells have the power to reduce anxiety. Lavender, for example, is famous for its stress-reducing qualities. Bring fragrance into your loved one’s life by gifting them aroma-inspired apparel.

Incense is one way to do so. But you could also purchase a scented memory-foam pillow, some of which are specifically designed for more tranquil sleep. Aromatherapy pillows come outfitted with scent diffusion systems that release hints of lavender into the air as they sleep. Get them on Etsy.

Herbal Tea

Tea has many beneficial qualities, and there are plenty of herbal varieties that aim to soothe the mind and relax the body. A collection of teas is always a good gift idea; it rarely goes amiss. Not to mention, it encourages the recipient to sit down for a cuppa and a chat. 

Scented Candles

A scented candle with a calming fragrance is excellent for making someone’s evening a little brighter. Choose calming scents like lavender or chamomile to help them relax and unwind of an evening. 

Blue Light Blocking Glasses

Blue light from computers, mobile, and TV screens can keep people up at night. It’s similar to daylight, in as much that it gives the brain the impression it needs to remain active. This can lead to sleeplessness and racing thoughts before bedtime – and as we all know, a good night’s sleep’s crucial for getting through the day with a clear mind. 

Blue light blocking glasses boast lenses that filter out blue light, making it easier to get to sleep. It’s an excellent gift for night owls that like to stay up on their computer before bedtime. Buy them on Amazon!

Microwaveable Heating Pads

Heating pads can be used to relieve muscle tension – especially in the neck. Aches and strains are a typical result of worrying for prolonged periods. Luckily,  microwaveable pads warm up within seconds and provide comfort for more than 30 minutes at a time. This is a must-have for anyone with tense shoulders! Buy it on Amazon!

Comfortable Slippers

Slippers and socks might be amongst the most common and, debatably, boring gift ideas, but given at the right time, they’re incredibly thoughtful and comforting. A super-soft pair of slippers are perfect when your friend just wants to stay inside the comfort of their own home. Get them on Amazon!

Weighted Blankets

Recently, weighted blankets have become massively popular. They’re designed to feel like someone is hugging you as you fall asleep, by taking on about 10% of your body weight. Weighted blankets stimulate a sense of security and warmth – like a soft fortress has enveloped them against the worries of the world! Get it on Amazon!

White Noise Machines

Many people struggle to fall asleep at night, which is where a white noise machine might come in handy. White noise is frequently used to soothe babies to sleep, but it works on adults just the same. Why not gift your friend a sound machine that can help them relax and unwind with customizable sounds?

From rushing waves to ambient sounds like rain or wind, these nifty gifts could make their evenings far more soothing. Get it on Amazon!

3. The Gift of Company

Gifts are great, but actions and words can mean an awful lot more to a friend suffering from anxiety. Remember, the best thing to do is to be there for them without judgment. Offer a listening ear when they need it, and assure them you’ll be there for them if and when they need you.

Spending quality time with loved ones is the best way to support them through difficult times, so these are some ideas to accompany the gift of your company:

Tea Sets for Two

If you just found out your friend is struggling, you may wish to reach out and offer your support. A tea set for two is an excellent way of doing this. It underlines your words with the offer of tea and a chat whenever they need it. A tea set is highly decorative and can be picked to match your friend’s personality and tastes. You could even go one step further by picking out a selection of relaxing teas to have together! Get it on Amazon!

Gift a Spa Experience

Take yourself and your friend out on a relaxing spa day. Not only is this a fabulous treat for the both of you, but it’s also a fab way to spend some time together and foster conversation. 

An Evening of Classical Music

Classical music is often praised for its stress-reducing effects. If your friend is a music lover, why not take them to see a local symphony, or travel into the city to see an orchestra? Events like this create great memories and might just be what they need right now.

4. Lifestyle Gifts

To better manage anxiety, lifestyle changes are often crucial. This could include changing one’s diet, entering into a new workout regime, or learning helpful habits to perform throughout the week. 

However, making these changes can be tricky and sometimes expensive. Often, many of the services and products that help people make these all-important lifestyle changes come with subscription fees. Needless to say, this might deter your loved one from making the most out of them.

This is where you could step in by gifting them a subscription. This is a fantastic way to offer your support, and it could provide the nudge they need to kickstart an anxiety-free life. 

App Subscriptions

There are plenty of useful mobile apps on the market that help people manage their anxiety – whether it’s breathing exercises, guided meditations, monitoring mental wellbeing, tracking progress, or developing better habits, etc. There are tons of avenues to explore.

Many of these apps are free. But often, they’ll offer a paid-for subscription that unlocks further features. Why not go ahead and treat your friend to those premium services? Apps like Headspace are amazing. They provide plenty of premium exercises to calm one’s thoughts, making it a lovely gift idea for anyone battling anxiety. 

Sports Classes

Trying a new workout class or picking up a new activity can be pricey. So, perhaps you could purchase your friend vouchers at your local gym? Or a yoga class? Boxercise class? Or, whatever other sports session you think they’d enjoy. Why not attend the class together? That way, not only will you spend valuable time together, but you’ll also benefit from the endorphin high that comes with exercise. 

A Succulent Set

Succulents are cute and easy-to-care-for plant companions. They’re incredibly affordable, so creating a beautiful set won’t break the bank. Gifting these house plants alongside the tools you need to take care of them is a fab idea. It encourages your friend to take up a new hobby that isn’t too time-consuming.

Actively maintaining something like a plant sparks daily joy. So, inspire their inner gardener by gifting a green companion to brighten up their living space. Get it on Amazon!

Yoga DVDs

If getting their social on with a live class isn’t your friend’s thing, perhaps they’d appreciate a yoga DVD instead? It’s still an excellent motivator for working out, as well as an affordable stress-busting gift – win-win! Get them on Amazon!

Mindfulness Cards

Mindfulness has become somewhat of a buzzword in self-care and healthy living. For those not in the know, ‘mindfulness’ is about staying aware of your feelings and reflecting upon the positive side of life.

If your loved one is new to practicing mindfulness throughout their day-to-day, there are plenty of card sets to help. Whether they be inspirational quotes, food for thoughts, or questions that encourage you to reflect on your feelings – these come in handy. Get them on Amazon!

Books on Stress and Ways to Manage it

There are plenty of books that can help people with anxiety better understand their needs and manage their feelings. Books like “Dare: The new way to end anxiety and stop panic attacks”  or “don’t sweat the small stuff” provide fresh insights into how to tackle anxiety.

If those titles don’t sound like their jam, do a little research. There are tons of helpful guides out there, providing both emotive and practical help on how to develop healthy habits that tackle anxiety. No doubt, with a little time and effort, you’ll find an entertaining read for your literature-loving friends with angst.


Therapy has the power to change lives. But making that first step can be daunting, so by eliminating the financial burden of their first session, you might just provide what they need to get the ball rolling. 

While you can’t make the appointment yourself, you can make the offer. Some online therapy companies even enable you to purchase vouchers. Always pair this gift with a heartfelt and well-thought-out note. For some, there’s still a stigma associated with therapy, so use your tact if this is an avenue you’re considering. 

5. The Gift of Friendship

As we’ve hinted at time and again throughout this article, the best gift you can give is your time and friendship.

Yes, sentimental gifts can be a great comfort in times of anxiety. But, you don’t always need to purchase something. For example, a picture frame with a photo that prompts you to reminisce about happier times is often much appreciated. Small mementos like this go a long way.

You could also write down a bunch of encouraging and supportive notes and place them in a jar. Then, whenever your friend feels anxious, they can fish out one of your heartfelt letters and sense your support – no matter where you are! 

Reassurance, presence, and availability might just get them through a moment of darkness when everything looks like it’s falling apart. So, in short, you alone are the best gift you can give a loved one suffering from anxiety. 


Should I give someone with anxiety a gift?

Of course, gifts come with symbolic meaning, and it could be easy for the gift giver to become anxious themselves about receiving, responding, and returning your gift.  But, we think that as long as you show your intended recipient, your gift is personalized for them, and that thought’s gone into it, the experience will be a positive thing.
Take comfort in your good intentions and the joy that one or two of the gifts listed above will bring to your loved one. 

What’s anxiety?

The ADAA (Anxiety and Depression Association of America) reports that anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the US, and every year affects 40 million adults in the US aged 18+.
It’s important to bear in mind; different people experience different kinds of anxiety ranging from General Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder or Specific Phobias and/or OCD and PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder).
There are treatment options and professional care available for each, including online therapeutic help. The ADAA has lots of information about anxiety and ways in which a person experiencing it can be best supported and support themselves.

What’s anxiety?

The ADAA (Anxiety and Depression Association of America) reports that anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the US, and every year affects 40 million adults in the US aged 18+.
It’s important to bear in mind; different people experience different kinds of anxiety ranging from General Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder or Specific Phobias and/or OCD and PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder).
There are treatment options and professional care available for each, including online therapeutic help. The ADAA has lots of information about anxiety and ways in which a person experiencing it can be best supported and support themselves.

Is it normal to feel anxious?

Anxiety is something we all experience. It’s part of everyday life and our brain and body’s way of letting us know that something doesn’t feel right. It’s a way of preparing and protecting ourselves from harm, and in that sense, it’s an entirely understandable reaction.
So, yes, we all worry sometimes, whether it’s about work, relationships, money, and we feel anxious when we feel stressed about those things. Then, after a while, we feel less anxious. Anxiety becomes a ‘problem’ when you feel anxious even when you’re not in a stressful situation, and it begins to interfere with your day to day life.

Is it normal to feel anxious?

Anxiety is something we all experience. It’s part of everyday life and our brain and body’s way of letting us know that something doesn’t feel right. It’s a way of preparing and protecting ourselves from harm, and in that sense, it’s an entirely understandable reaction.

So, yes, we all worry sometimes, whether it’s about work, relationships, money, and we feel anxious when we feel stressed about those things. Then, after a while, we feel less anxious. Anxiety becomes a ‘problem’ when you feel anxious even when you’re not in a stressful situation, and it begins to interfere with your day to day life.

What does anxiety feel like?

That’s a tough question to answer because although there are generalized symptoms, some anxiety disorders have specific symptoms. Overall, however, it’s fair to say that anxiety is often seen as an invisible illness. But, someone who experiences it may experience the following physical and emotional symptoms:

  • Heart palpitations
  • Excess worry
  • Obsessive thoughts
  • Sweating
  • Trembling or shaking
  • Feeling out of control or a sense of doom. 

The NIMH (National Institute for Mental Health) has lots of helpful information and advice for anyone living with anxiety or for those close to someone who has it. 

Got Some Ideas? 

We hope having read this blog post; you’ve gleaned some much-needed inspiration as to what to gift a loved one tackling anxiety. If you are searching for gifts for your sister in law, or for someone else, check out our Best Gifts for Sister in Law, and for a guilter in your life!

If you have any other gift suggestions, tell us about them in the comments box below. We’d love to hear from you – speak soon!

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